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Class Entities

Class Talking to Entities

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"Everything in life comes to me with ease, joy and glory"

What do you know about the Entities?

Class Talking to Entities where you will learn to develop your psychic abilities and to change the way you see the spirit world. This class is highly energetic and informative, where through the tools of Access Consciousness, they will help you to have greater clarity about the spiritual world that it really is.

It is a 2 day class. This is a unique opportunity to create and develop your skills and abilities in the spirit world taking you to an infinite range of awareness and information that you can use to facilitate not only you, but also others with ease. Many people have judged themselves and created different levels of anxiety, depression and dementia by recognizing their abilities in the spirit world. If you are one of those people or know someone who is, the class talking to entities is for you.

Some topics covered in this class:

* Fear of entities

* What do you know that you are pretending not to know and refuse to know?

* All the information they have given you about entities, spirits and ghosts that are not true.

* Recognize what you know.

* Exercises to expand your awareness of entities.

* Different types of entities

* Changing your perspective on entities

* Cleaning entities, demons and portals.

* Communication with entities

* Your work team

* Unlock your skills to get in touch with those on the other side and have access to the true source of being who you are.

TTTE class benefits (Talking to Entities)

Access Bar Facilitators and Practitioners

Benefits of the Talking Class Tools with Access Consciousness Entities.

When we have contact with people in a class or through a Bar / Bar Facilitation session, we are not only in contact with the person's body, but also with the entity (ies) within it. We all have different types of entities within our body, it has been our choice to have them and just as there are people shifting and changing in this reality, there are also entities that are this way and react in many ways.

When dealing with a group of people or a client that has unconscious entities, they tend to activate / wake up due to the whole cleaning process that is going on, some of them generate depression, anxiety, agitation, or simply distract the person from receiving or changing. In a group, it not only has an effect on the person who maintains the entity, but all the energy of the group or the environment.


Sandro Donizete


  • Certified Access Consciousness® Facilitator

  • Access® Bars Facilitator

  • Facilitator Talking to Entities®

  • Access® Energetic Facelift Facilitator

  • Body Processes Facilitator ®

  • The Fundamento® Facilitator

  • Reiki Master

  • Master Coach

  • Psychologist

Start right now !


Class will take place from 05 to 07/02

We are a family owned and operated business.

Mairiporã host Valeria 11 96909-7405-

End: Light spot of the waters

Estrada Armando Barbosa de Almeida 7855 Mairiporã SP

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R $ 4,600.00

(Course fee)

Form of payment

* Entry of R $ 600.00 ( Bank Deposit )

SAVING ACCOUNT: 06145-2 / 500
AGENCY: 9634
FAVORED NAME: Sandro Donizete A. Ferreira
CPF: 148594348-54

Send the receipt to our WhatsApp 11 98944-6598

We are a family owned and operated business.

REMAINING AMOUNT ( * entry) + R $ 4,000.00

(installment value)

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