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Facelift Course São Caetano do Sul

"Everything in life comes to me with ease, joy and glory"

Gary Douglas - Founder Access Consciousness

Who will you learn in the course?

Imagine being able to look happier, healthier, renewed and more youthful without applying a single cream or undergoing a needle procedure? This is the proposal of Facelift Energético, an Access Counsciosness ™ therapy that can reverse the appearance of aging on the face.

The procedure uses energies to lift and rejuvenate the face, but it can also create similar effects on the entire body when done repeatedly, at least 20 times and permanently. All this with strategic touches that are made in a nutritious way on the face and neck.

How does Facelift manage to rejuvenate?

In the Facelift technique the hands are used as neurotransmitters that use multiple frequencies from 27 energies. The soft touch combined with the energy of the hands is what restores the natural flow of energy in the face, around the face and with reflexes to the body. Touching promotes the unblocking of energy fields, stagnation points usually caused by our emotions and long-term stress.

With the energy flowing in the body, the muscles begin to relax and the skin begins to rejuvenate. The reports of those who experience Access ™ Facial Energetic Rejuvenation are that the effects go beyond the youthfulness of the face, and also work as one of the most relaxing experiences experienced just by touching the face and neck.

Science tells us that everything is energy and everything is energetically connected, that we are electromagnetic beings. Using the latest technologies, beauty products, exercise and diets to look younger may not be the solution, as the most important element may be missing: energy.

Who can do it?

Anyone at any age. The procedure is safe for women and men of all ages and works smoothly if done in parallel with other procedures. Because there is no cutting or use of chemistry, there are no contraindications.

We are a family owned and operated business.


Check out our courses


Rosana Campana Chacon

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  • Access® Bars Facilitator

  • Access® Energetic Facelift Facilitator

  • Body Processes Facilitator ®

  • Reiki Master

  • Pedagogue

Start right now !

Energy Facelift

10/12/2020 days

Give 10: 00h at 17: 00h.

Class Facilitated

We are a family owned and operated business.

Course Location:

Space Empowering People (own headquarters). Address: Av. Presidente Kennedy 3,500 room 910 - Edificio São Caetano Prime Offices & Mall.
We are a family owned and operated business.
-7.9 km from Tamanduateí Metro Station
-18 km from Av. Paulista
-15 km from Bresser Mooca metro station

R $ 1,250.00

Credit Card Installment Payment

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